Saturday, 31 July 2010

This is the modern world............

Well we had a fantastic meal in the hotel restaurant.  Lobster soup, baked cod, honey and ginger chicken.  Then we took an evening stroll along the fjord in the cool night air as the sun dropped behind the mountains.

Then the mobile went ping.  Text message from Lauren "Where are the bin bags?"
We replied, "On top of the bread bin in the pantry"
"Found them" came the reply

Now what would have happened 10 years ago?  Would we have returned to a house with bins overflowing?  Would she have written us a letter asking where they were and waited for a reply?  How did we ever manage?

1 comment:

  1. Glad Lauren found something to do to amuse herself, when I spoke to her yesterday she wasn't sure what to do today. Now I am happy she will be able to fill bin bags to pass the time!!
